
“The first thing people notice about you is your smile.”

Are you looking to transform your smile at our boutique state-of-the-art Beverly Hills office. At Kal Dental, Dr. Khoudari is able to meticulously and elegantly improve the cosmetic appearance of your smile, by using natural and stunning porcelain veneers. A gorgeous smile can have a huge impact on your overall look and demeanor. Veneers have the dynamic power to improve your smile’s shape and color, as well as restore tooth structure. 

What are Veneers?

Dental veneers and laminates are a thin shell of porcelain or resin that is bonded to the surface of the teeth. These materials mimic the color and light-reflecting properties of your natural teeth. Veneers can change their shape, shade, and position to improve the cosmetics of your smile. They are also used to replace and restore any lost tooth structure. Since they are very thin, veneers are considered one of the most conservative cosmetic treatments available. Most of the time, very little or no tooth structure is removed before placing veneers. 

We use porcelain as the material of choice for veneers because it’s strong and closely resembles natural tooth enamel. Porcelain has the same color, translucency, and texture as enamel, making it essentially indistinguishable from natural teeth. Another advantage is that porcelain veneers are stain-resistant, therefore you won’t see superficial stains on the veneers as you may with natural teeth.

Dr. Khoudari provides hand-made dental veneers tailored to your specific facial anatomy and cosmetic goals. We use advanced digital photography to take accurate impressions, determine the ideal shade for your custom veneers, and construct the veneers themselves. Our world-class technician has a keen aesthetic eye for facial anatomy, ensuring the most symmetrical, natural, and proportional results.

What are the benefits of porcelain veneers?

  • Stunning, natural appearance
  • Quick treatment time (2 visits)
  • Biocompatible
  • Easy to care for
  • Improved aesthetics of your smile
  • Improved tooth color and shape
  • Enhanced level of confidence
  • The veneers are constructed according to your facial anatomy
  • Porcelain resembles natural enamel
  • No risk of discoloration


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What is the process for receiving veneers?

Receiving veneers usually involves two separate appointments. At your first appointment, your dentist performs an oral exam and discusses your goals for treatment. If your teeth and gums are healthy, your dentist moves forward with treatment. When you come in for your veneer appointment, initial measurements and the shade are chosen, then Dr. Khoudari will gently anesthetize the area, after which he will prepare the teeth. Then an impression of your teeth is taken, and temporary veneers will be placed. This period of temporization gives us feedback about function and overall shape, but is only a temporary material as the laboratory is fabricating your permanent custom porcelain veneers.

At your second appointment, the temporaries are removed, and Dr. K will align the veneers with your permanent teeth, and bond them in place using dental cement.

How do I care for my veneers?

You care for your veneers like you would your permanent teeth. We recommend brushing and flossing regularly and visiting the dentist every six months for a professional cleaning and exam. You should also avoid bad habits such as chewing on ice or biting your fingernails. If you take proper care of your veneers, they can last for 10-15 years.

If you regularly cover your mouth when you smile or laugh, consider transforming your teeth with veneers. To make an appointment, call the office or use the online booking tool today.

We understand that your smile is your superpower and that in order to provide long term care for your smile we must understand how tooth biology, function and structure impact your overall health.

Preventative care is at the core of our philosophy. With an interdisciplinary approach, we incorporate the latest research and technology into every visit to help patients prevent major dental issues like gum disease, cavities, tooth decay and tooth loss.

By combining in depth exams, digitalization of records and minimally-invasive preventive procedures our doctors focus on restoring and ensuring your smile stays healthy.

You can call our front desk at (310) 360-8250 Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm, email us at or fill out our Contact Form