
Todays dental implants provide one of the best treatments options for missing teeth

At Kal Dental we work with you to make your smile whole again. Implants are a safe, effective, and long-lasting way to repair your smile. If there is a solid bone around the missing tooth, the implant can be placed where the tooth used to be, completing it with a crown sitting perfectly on the implant. If you don’t have the best foundation around the missing tooth, there are multiple options including grafting the bone and tissue or replacing the space with a bridge. Implants are designed to look like a natural tooth, so your smile will not be negatively affected and you can eat comfortably.

For those patients who have lost teeth due to periodontal disease or injury, dental implants offer a viable cutting edge option for restoration. Dr. Khoudari is able to provide a long-lasting solution that helps preserve bone structure, improves speech, and restores satisfaction with your image. During your consultation, he will help decide the best type of dental implant for your goals and needs.

During the last 20 years, dental implants have become a desirable alternative to other methods of replacing missing teeth. Excellent success rates and a range of available options make implants a wonderful cosmetic and functional solution. Dr. Khoudari can evaluate your case and tell you if you are a candidate for dental implants.

Structurally, a dental implant is a titanium-based cylinder that replaces the missing tooth root. After a period of time, other parts are placed on the implant to enable Dr. Khoudari to eventually place a crown (cap) on the implant. Implants can also be used to support full or partial dentures, dramatically improving denture retention and stability.

Dental implants offer the same function as natural teeth and also help prevent bone atrophy in the jaw. They may be used to replace a single missing or damaged tooth or to restore an entire smile.

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What are the benefits of dental implants?

When compared to fixed bridges and removable dentures supported by other teeth or gum tissue, implants offer numerous advantages:


Since implants are placed in the gum similar to the way a natural tooth is supported, they offer a more realistic and natural look compared to other alternatives.


When a tooth is lost, the supporting bone structure gradually recedes. Placing an implant in that empty space significantly reduces the speed of bone resorption and provides stability for this valuable tissue.


Often the preferred method of replacing a single missing tooth is a bridge. Bridges require extra preparation for the surrounding teeth to ultimately connect 3 or more teeth. This negatively impacts your health by making the task of retaining your teeth more difficult and by often requiring the destruction of existing tooth structure to create room for the new bridge. An implant is mostly an independent unit and does not negatively affect the adjacent teeth.


Dr. Khoudari will meet with you for a private evaluation at his Beverly Hills office suite to determine the best course of action for your dental concerns. Most patients with adequate bone mass can have implants, although it varies among individuals. Typically an x-ray and CT-scan are performed to determine if you have enough bone to place the implant, as well as to verify the size and type of implant that should be placed.

We will work to craft the perfect dental implant for your needs, replenishing a youthful smile and a sense of pleasure when laughing, being photographed or looking in the mirror.

Are dental implants right for me?

You may qualify for dental implants if you have missing, broken or severely decayed teeth and are in relatively good overall health. The only way of determining your eligibility for implants is to consult with an oral care provider to identify whether you have adequate bone support and healthy gums that will support the new tooth structure.

What should I expect if my dentist and I decide dental implants are right for me?

The placement of dental implants is a multi-step process that typically takes between 6 and 9 months to complete. It begins with a surgical procedure during which a titanium rod is placed where a previous natural tooth root once was. The gums are sutured shut over the implant, where it will stay for several months while it heals and begins fusing with the surrounding bone. Due to the nature of implant placement and its average procedure time of between 1 and 2 hours, you’ll be sedated and/or anesthetized for the duration of the treatment. At the conclusion of the healing period, you’ll return to be fitted for permanent crowns and have them placed.

What type of post-treatment care will I require?

It is normal to experience some discomfort, including bruising and swelling following a dental implant procedure. However, inflammation and pain may be managed with over-the-counter medications, hydrocodone, or codeine. You may be asked to eat only soft foods for approximately 2 weeks until the surgical site heals.

We understand that your smile is your superpower and that in order to provide long term care for your smile we must understand how tooth biology, function and structure impact your overall health.

Preventative care is at the core of our philosophy. With an interdisciplinary approach, we incorporate the latest research and technology into every visit to help patients prevent major dental issues like gum disease, cavities, tooth decay and tooth loss.

By combining in depth exams, digitalization of records and minimally-invasive preventive procedures our doctors focus on restoring and ensuring your smile stays healthy.

You can call our front desk at (310) 360-8250 Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm, email us at or fill out our Contact Form