
Your new smile is a keeper.

If you have a gap between your teeth, an over/under-bite, crowded teeth, or a cross-bite, Invisalign services may be the perfect treatment for you.

From mild cases to severe dental issues, Invisalign technology can correct your teeth and give you a great new smile. No brackets and wires, and none of the restrictions that come with metal braces. Starting with a 3D-model of your bite, we will create a step-by-step plan for your teeth that will focus on wearing a series of custom teeth aligners. After a specified amount of time and regular checkups have been completed, you will have a straight, beautiful smile.

You will wear each set of aligners for 20-22 hours a day, changing to a new set of aligners every 1 to 2 weeks, as directed by your doctor. Each set of aligners will gently and gradually shift your teeth into place, according to your treatment plan, until you reach your beautiful new smile.

Once we’ve completed the smile transformation, you will receive your Vivera retainer. This should be worn nightly to protect and maintain your alignment. Vivera retainers ensure your teeth will remain straight after your Invisalign treatment.

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What makes Vivera retainers different?

  • Vivera retainer material is at least 30% stronger and twice as durable as other leading clear retainer materials1
  • Your Vivera retainer is custom-fit for your smile, with your comfort in mind…which is important since you’ll wear it while you sleep
  • Doctors who have used Vivera retainers are more satisfied with Vivera retainers than with other retainers2

You can call our front desk at (310) 360-8250 Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm, email us at or fill out our Contact Form