Preventative Dentistry

We’re here to help you ensure your oral health for years to come. Our preventive dentistry services include regular dental cleanings, sealants, and any procedures used to slow and stop tooth decay or other oral diseases in their earliest stages. Our goal is to keep you and your mouth as healthy and clean as possible so you can maintain your natural teeth for life.


The health of your teeth and gums depends on a healthy bite and a mouth free of infection. Kal Dental Beverly Hills makes your dental hygiene visits pleasant while maximizing your preventative care.


We offer mouthguards (also called night guards) to protect teeth against premature wearing. For nighttime use only, these professional mouthguards can prevent painful jaws, tooth damage and even TMJ issues.


This newer style of dentistry utilizes intense beams of light projected by a dental laser. Our doctors at Kal Dental Beverly hills incorporate it into every day procedures – reducing bleeding, anxiety and post-treatment recovery times. The beauty of dental lasers is that they damage far less of the surrounding tissue than traditional techniques – which means less discomfort and pain.

Expert Dentists Who Care

Our team is caring, compassionate and focused on your needs. Team Kal Dental is ager to witness your unique dental transformation and smile makeover

We understand that your smile is your superpower and that in order to provide long term care for your smile we must understand how tooth biology, function and structure impact your overall health.

Preventative care is at the core of our philosophy. With an interdisciplinary approach, we incorporate the latest research and technology into every visit to help patients prevent major dental issues like gum disease, cavities, tooth decay and tooth loss.

By combining in depth exams, digitalization of records and minimally-invasive preventive procedures our doctors focus on restoring and ensuring your smile stays healthy.

You can call our front desk at (310) 360-8250 Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm, email us at or fill out our Contact Form